Monday, April 26, 2010

Green machine...

So this week it is time to get back on track with my eating, so I've started to have green smoothies for breakfast. Basically you get your fruit and veggies all in one drink. It sounds not so good, but trust me it has a sweet taste. If you don't trust me, trust the movement- The Green Monster Movement, which gives you recipes used by many different people. The great thing about a green smoothie is you can change it up to what you like.

Last night before bed I gathered my ingredients together, so I could easily put them in the blender in the morning.

I used the following in my smoothie:
1 cup almond milk (I will probably use half water next time.)
2 cups baby spinach (approximately)
1/2 banana
Frozen mixed berries
Flax Seed Meal

The results:

It turned out super tasty, but a little bit thick. I added some water to thin it out. It was very much like a milkshake, and wasn't bright green. I guess I can try to use more spinach next time.

After a great gym workout tonight, which included running to the gym to meet Matt. I thought we should start off dinner with a green smoothie. He loves them and recommends them too!

Consider trying it out! Another option is to pick one up at the store, but just be careful that the only sugar is from the natural fruits. Some brands to look for are Bolthouse Farms and Odwalla. Once you get past the green you be able to really enjoy and you're body with benefit!

1 comment:

  1. Ah I haven't had time to read any blogs lately! I'm so behind. I tried to jump on the green smoothie band wagon which totaled to a whole whopping 1 smoothie!!!


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