It's the holidays and life has gotten a bit busy, and when I get a few minutes I'm typically reading other blogs. Let's just say I'm torn- write my own blog or gain inspiration from other blogs. I seem to be taking the inspiration!
In my absense I've been doing lots of stuff:
-Working as usual, but looking forward to some holiday vacation!
-Going to the gym to stay fit and get stronger!
-Getting New Winter Tires (They plow through quite nicely.)

-Scrubbing our floors on my hands and knees. I do own a mop, but I just feel like getting down there with the dirt gets it cleaner.
-Putting my dining room back together for the first time since the remodel that started in May!
During the remodel:

Present Day:

-Decorating the dining room so we can show a little Christmas spirit- hopefully next year we can have a tree!

-Baking Matt a batch of Ginger Snaps, and probably the only cookie I don't like.

-Starting work on my homemade Christmas gifts.
-Enjoying Sunday Brunch with the girls as part of our Christmas celebration!

-Falling down the stairs, which a good friend of mine can understand. I'm sure she is in much more pain than I am- I only have two small bruises.
(Feel better soon!)
-And trying to come up with a plan for improving my blogging, which I hope to do more of starting in the new year. I just need to figure out what will work for me and what you all will want to read.
So with that I ask: Anything you'd like to see or read on my blog? What am I doing well? Want more health/fitness? More Cooking? More Baking?
Tell me what you think- I could use a little feedback.