Half-Marathon Weekly
To help motivate, inspire, and get your week started…
“When the world says ‘give up‘, hope whispers ‘try it one more time‘”
This week’s workouts:
Jan 11: Monday- 2 miles
Jan 12: Tuesday- cross train/strength train
Jan 13: Wednesday- 3 miles
Jan 14: Thursday-cross train/strength train
Jan 15: Friday- 2 miles
Jan 16: Saturday- Rest
Jan 17: Sunday- 3 miles

Watch your form:
1. PUMP IT- Moving arms forward and back (not across your chest) in a fluid motion improves balance and coordination, which makes increasing pace easier. Hold arms at a 90-degree angle, hands right around hip level.
2. KEEP A LEVEL HEAD: Resist the urge to watch the gym-ceiling TV. Staring up will move your torso back, taking your weight behind your hips…which makes it harder to go forward.
3. TILT A TAD: Stand tall as your run, but deliberately lean your whole body slightly forward from the ankles. This slant to your stance will allow gravity to propel you ahead with each step. You will be able to increase your speed with minimal effort.
4. FIND YOUR RHYTHM: To get seriously speedy, fast-track footwork by shortening your stride. Count the number of times your right foot makes contact: Aim for 46 to 48 strikes in 30 seconds. At first it may seem like baby steps ,but once you adapt it will seem natural.
5. GO FOR THE MIDDLE GROUND: Heal striking (leading with and landing on your heel) can be tough on knees. Make the motion more efficient and smooth by landing on the middle of each foot and then rolling onto the balls of your feet. Steps will feel easier so you can go farther.
6. BE INCLINED: Pounding on the pavement can be 10 to 15 percent more challenging than jogs in the gym because outside you battle hills, wind resistance, and uneven terrain. Compensate indoors by setting your treadmill at a 1 percent incline.
7. CENTER YOURSELF: Position your steps to land in the middle of the treadmill band for safe runs. Running too close to the control panel causes most joggers to raise their arms higher than necessary, causing stress on the neck and shoulder and wastes energy.
Note: These are just suggestions found in ‘Self Magazine’ to help achieve better form, but you should also listen to your own body. If it hurts, don’t do it that way.
Monthly Goal
What: 5K Penguin Run
When: Sunday, January 31st at 11am
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