I'm not sure if you can see from the picture but it is green rice topped with ground turkey, black beans, Greek yogurt and some scallions.
So you're thinking what is green rice, right? Well let's just say it is amazing. I cooked some regular brown rice per normal instructions, then in the food processor I combined lots spinach with some jalapenos, scallions, and a little chicken broth. Then I mixed it into the rice- it was that easy. I topped it with some ground turkey flavored with a little taco seasoning and mixed with black beans. It could not have been easier to make, or better tasting. I think I'm going to include green rice whenever possible in dishes- it is just so full of flavor and is good for you too. By the way, the green rice is something Rachel Ray made for one of her dishes- so I borrowed the idea from her. I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you made some too!
Mental Endurance
Prior to dinner I had a good lifting session and a three mile run, keeping up my 5.0 pace. It feels good to test my endurance as I prepare to reach 13.1 miles in just over 4 months from now. I'm finding that is not just about my physical endurance and more so about my mental endurance. I've recently added some new techniques to help me improve my mental endurance:
1. Music: For the last week or so I've been listening to my iPod on the treadmill. It allows me to focus my attention on the words and the beat, instead of the minutes and distance. I have a playlist that covers just over the time I take to do 4 miles, and I plan to add to the playlist as my mileage increases. My the end I'll have over 13 miles of music on the playlist.
2. A Magazine: Not for reading, but for covering up the mile and time display. I figure when the weather warms up and I'm running outside, there will be no digital display staring me in the face.
3. Wandering: Not physically but just allowing my thoughts to flow. Sometimes that involves looking around at the people around me, thinking about what I need to do when I get home, or just day dreaming.
4. Form: I've also recently started periodically thinking about my running form. Making sure my shoulders are back, I'm keeping an even stride, I'm breathing regularly and that I'm not feeling pain. I think this will help when I get to running outside and there is no belt to keep me on pace.
Experts say:
Well I did a few google searches and found suggestions from experienced runners such as:
-Repeat a mantra like, 'Pain is temporary, quitting is final.'
-Visualize your success
-Read the book 'Running Within'
-Set mini goals along the way, when you meet the goal- set a new one. Before you know it you'll have accomplished your overall goal for the day.
What do you do to help improve your mental endurance as your physical endurance grows?
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